Why You Hate Donald Trump
Beware the Orange man, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! Beware the Orange man, and shun the frumious Bandersnatch! – Lewis Carroll
Does the quote above remind you of any other work of fiction? It reminds me of Orwell’s 1984, and the two minutes of hate.
In the fictional satire of 1984, the citizens in the dystopic world of totalitarianism are trained to hate an enemy of the establishment, Emmanuel Goldstein. They engage in a ritual of screaming their hatred at the man on the screen for two minutes, all in unison, being watched closely at all times for signs of internal dissent. In the predictions of Orwell, he believed that the Jews would be the scapegoat used by the propagandists, as they had been before. But in the North America of 2024, another scapegoat has been chosen to be hated by the totalitarians.
Does it sound radical to suggest that there are totalitarians in our midst, creeping in the shadows and pulling the world strings, constricting ever tighter towards their dreams of feudal domination? If it sounds bizarre, then you have been effectively indoctrinated. Because the reason that you hate Donald Trump, is that you do not understand the world you are living in.
An Example of their Propaganda
How to Become A Conspiracy Theorist
Before Trump was elected in 2016, a decent portion of the Western world knew, implicitly or explicitly, that the US republic was diseased. Let’s travel back in time a bit, to 9/11. Planes crash into the tops of large buildings, and the buildings free fall perfectly as if detonated from the base. The attack earns the public’s assent to invade a resource-rich country, install TSA in airports, and simultaneously implement the Patriot Act, which allows the US government to spy on its citizens. A moron wouldn’t believe it point blank, but someone under Stockholm syndrome would. Then you look in a few other places. My interest was in the field of health, so I started to see the corruption of the government-ran CDC and FDA, how they seemed to be in collusion with Big Pharma. You notice that the average cancer patient is worth $50,000 or more to a hospital, and that their treatments have less than a 10% success rate over 5 years. You notice that people are on more medications than ever, and that the allopathic schools don’t teach exercise or nutrition; you notice that the healthcare industry makes more money than US energy. You notice the ingredients in vaccines, that the vaccine makers are immune to legal reprecussions, that the public has been taught to viciously defend them. Then you see the pesticides companies, how they spray their new “safe and effective” herbicides over our food supply, and only after around 20 years, when the “auto-immune diseases” begin to rack up and the lawsuits are boiling, they disband their product and introduce a new “safe and effective” one. If the company name gets too tainted, they get bought out by a larger one and re-branded. And the government doesn’t stop the corporations, all they need is a purchased Harvard study to validate their continued subservience to their agendas; and more and more the government and the corporations become indiscernible from one another, as your taxes rise and your rights slowly fade away. Until they try to stick a needle in your arm without telling you what’s inside.
When your world view is as described, how can you feel anything but love for the maverick billionaire who glided down the escalator into the political realm? At first you wonder about him, but when you see the bought-and-paid for media pivot sharply from jovial admiration to rabid hatred, you realise that he is their enemy. He is the enemy of the lying, bought-and-paid for media and the overgrown system they are an organ of. Is he brazen and rude? Yes, but so is the bulldog who rips the throat out of the man breaking into your house.
To understand why you hate Donald Trump, all you need to do is observe the lies of his enemies.
3 Examples of Propaganda Disguised as News
In order to prove that a news media is a fake (and therefore likely compromised), the example needs to be so obvious that even someone deep within the throes of Stockholm syndrome can grasp the fallacy of it. Luckily the media has made such glaring errors, lies so obvious that the American public is now mostly wary of their lying. Note that all of these media organisations are propping up and aligned with the democratic establishment, and radically opposed to Donald Trump. Three of the biggest examples, including one recent one, are:
Example #1, and the straw that broke CNN’s back, was their coverage of Joe Rogan and Ivermectin. Joe Rogan claimed on his #1 podcast in the world podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience, that he got Covid and quickly recovered due to the use of several therapeutics, including Ivermectin. In response, CNN called Ivermectin “Horse-Paste”, claiming that its intended use was as a de-wormer for horses, and edited Rogan’s monologue video about his recovery to cast an orange hue to his skin, in an attempt to make him look sickly. The reason they had to suppress public awareness of Ivermectin was because Ivermectin is a drug with a history of efficacy against Corona viruses, and if there were a known alternative and effective therapeutic option against Covid 19 besides the vaccines, then the vaccines could not be pushed upon the public as aggressively as they were. And because billions of dollars were on the line for Big Pharma, and larger reasons too, they smeared Rogan and Ivermectin. The problem for CNN, was that Ivermectin had won a Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2015 for its use in humans. So when CNN doubled and tripled down on calling a Nobel Prize winning medicine for its use in humans, “Horse Paste”, even your mom scratched her head.
Example #2: In this clip, Trump is holding a press conference on the subject of a clash between republicans and democrats in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the taking down of a statue of Robert E. Lee, where neo-nazis were also present. The media took a portion of Trump’s speech where he stated: “There were fine people on both sides”, and blasted it, out of context, to the public in order to create the impression that Trump was claiming that the neo-nazis were fine people, enforcing their message that he is a racist. In context of the full statement, and seen at 1:58 in the first clip, Trump states: “And I’m not talking about the neo-nazis and white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally.” Yet the media decided to ignore that portion of his speech, and to create the impression that Trump was siding with the neo-nazis. Out of context he appears to be a racist, but if you just watch the full video and see everything he said, their lies are revealed.
Notably (clip 2), Kamala Harris actually brought this same talking point up at her presidential debate with Trump, seven years later.
(#1 comment on this Youtube video: “This is the exact moment in which I lost trust in the media.”)
I recommend watching the entire length of each clip.
Observe the dramatic manipulation. She tells the lie with a passion. But that is what the core of her strategy is aimed at, attempting to pull at emotional heart strings. Her emotional manipulation is a difficult scheme to see through, because it is shielded by the illusion of kindness and the good meaning people who fall for it and become her defenders. That’s called a wolf in sheep’s clothing, akin to Bill Gates wearing pink sweaters on TV and his for-profit schemes subterfuged as philanthropy.
Example #3: This is a recent event, only a few days from the 2024 election. I’ll just mention that I display a video from CTV, a Canadian broadcast station, because it gives a bit more context to the understanding that the propaganda machine is not confined to the US, it is a global cooperative initiative. Even though the democrats know that lying about this story will further diminish their credibility long-term, they’re willing to do so in order to deceive undecided voters a few days before the election. But it’s interesting that even a Canadian news station will destroy their own reputation with them, despite little chance of convincing US voters.
This is the full clip with context:
And the media spin:
It is a common tactic of tyrants, totalitarian governments, Marxists, and fascists, to paint their opponents with the brush of their own actions. When you ask someone, “Why do you hate Trump?” They say: he’s a liar, a racist, and a cruel, un-presidential person. These same people never listen to his speeches.
So why do you hate Donald Trump?
Because you’ve been taught to. In reality, you don’t know anything about him.