Strong Teeth - Nature's Way
This article is all about how to heal and make your teeth strong naturally.
By following the simple, free and natural practice revealed in this article, I no longer have any tooth sensitivity despite eating a highly acidic diet.
The beginnings of my disenchantment with the medical field began with my dentist’s inability to fix my teeth.
I have had bad teeth since a very young age. My back teeth especially were more sensitive to chewing than anyone else I ever met. For many months of my childhood, I had to use my front teeth to chew and macerate food.
What was the dentists answer? He had no idea.
My dentist is very nice, but all he seemed to consider were aesthetics and prosthetic implants; and it was only later, while discovering the various methods of dental work, that I realised what a butcher job most of their procedures are.
Believe it or not, there’s not much difference between dentistry, the medical field, and, sadly, Naturopathy. All of them have fallen under the allopathic claw, and all of them are corrupted by business models and social engineering agendas.
They do not care about discovering the best answer to your tooth health, or your health in general. The reason being: health is simple (and cheap).
There are good things about dentists (and medical), such as when a tooth needs removing, or when someone needs surgery or life-saving intervention. But for general health and chronic conditions, the Natural way is always superior.
In this article we’ll take a look at what your teeth are made of, dental ideology, and compare and contemplate some of the healing methods of a Naturalist, so you can know how to make your teeth strong simply and naturally.
What are Teeth Made of?
To understand how to make teeth strong naturally, first we need to understand what they are made of.
A tooth consists of primarily 3 things: Enamel, Dentin, and the Pulp.
The Enamel: This is the outer hard shell of teeth. It consists of solely inorganic materials (i.e. there are no living cells within it), almost entirely a crystal matrix called hydroxyapatite. Hydroxyapatite’s chemical formula is: Ca5(PO4)3(OH)
Looking at the formula, we can see that the primary minerals involved are calcium and phosphorus. Calcium and phosphorus act as alkaline minerals in this formation. The dentistry ideology maintains that the enamel cannot be regenerated; but we’ll question whether that’s true or not.
The Dentin: Dentin makes up the primary bulk of teeth. It is composed of around 70% inorganic materials, primarily hydroxyapatite, as opposed to enamel’s 97%. The rest of dentin consists of fluids and organic collagen fibers (i.e. tissue (i.e. cells)). This means that there is life flowing through dentin, there is blood flow and nerve supply, as well as lymphatic networks.
Dentin is very similar to bone matrix, and bones can without question be regenerated.
The Root: The root is made up of connective tissue, blood, nerve, and lymphatic networks. It supplies nourishment to the teeth, transmits signals, and carries away waste.
There is no controversy over whether dentin can be regenerated, there are cells called odontoblasts within the root which produce dentin matrix.
So, teeth are composed primarily of: inorganic calcium-phosphorous crystals, and tissue (cells).
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The Medical Dentistry Ideology
You can go the dentist’s way, and you’ll probably be all right. No one will notice or care. Your teeth will look real, be shiny white, and work fine.
But beneath the veneers are nubs of teeth ground to points; and beneath the crowns are nothing but holes drilled down to the root after cavity “repair”. They’re not teeth, they’re prosthetics, and hopefully not the mercury amalgam ones.
Those are the primary medical methods for damaged teeth: to drill out the bad tissue and cover it over with aesthetic prosthetics. Thus, they do not know how to regenerate teeth naturally (and perhaps that’s why they claim it’s impossible). Teeth are a reflection of health to the outside world, and thus these dental techniques are extremely popular. But ultimately they damage our true teeth crystal matrix, and leave an inorganic facade in their place.
But what about their theories and methods for preventing tooth decay? Surely their answers there are more holistic?
Bacteria and Acid
According to dentistry, tooth decay is caused by bacteria and acids. Bacteria, particularly Streptoccocus mutans, consume fermentable sugars in our mouth, and a by-product of their metabolism is acid. This acid accumulates, and in combination with acidic food, wears away at the calcium phosphorous crystals which make up our teeth.
Their solution is brushing our teeth twice per day. Let’s analyse what toothpaste consists of.
We’ll cover fluoride last. The other standard ingredients found in toothpaste include:
Abrasives for the break-up of plaque (plaque=bacteria formations combined with food debris); surfactants to create foam for even distribution and for further plaque removal; humectants to maintain the toothpaste integrity over time in the bottle; thickeners for texture; preservatives to increase the toothpaste shelf-life; anti-microbial agents to reduce bacteria; desensitizing agents to block and null sensory impulses; whitening agents to stain the crystal matrix; and flavoring agents and dyes to please your senses.
Fluoride is a common ingredient in toothpastes and remains the gold standard chemical for re-mineralizing enamel tooth matrix. Supposedly fluoride ions have the unique capability of incorporating into the inorganic enamel crystal matrix, forming a more powerful shell (fluorapatite) even than the naturally occurring hydroxyapatite. Fluoride is naturally occurring in teeth in very small amounts.
Critique of their Method
There is something good to be said for their toothpaste method, as it is in some ways just a response to poor diets across America.
But there are major flaws in their system we should consider. For example: most of the ingredients in toothpaste do nothing for teeth health, and only serve to maintain an inert formula. The producers are also utilising abrasives and anti-microbials, similar in a sense to using pesticides on an agricultural field, scorching everything within the microbiome. The desensitizing agents create a false sense of immunity and well-being, as do the whitening agents. There’s also potential issues with the millions of micro-plastics we consume through wear-and-tear of plastic bristle brushes.
On fluoride and it’s ability to remineralize the tooth enamel, know that there are different types of fluoride. If you wanted to go that route, the best as far as my research goes is a low dose of sodium fluoride. I won’t go into the short-sighted practice of introducing fluoride into the water supply here. But whether we should use fluoride to remineralize our enamel, in place of the natural hydroxapatite calcium-phosphorous compound — it’s difficult to say. The fluoride will wear off from wear and tear, acidic foods, and bacteria; and that fluoride will enter your body. If you’re brushing daily with it, how much fluoride are you consuming? Are there other problems with having fluoride as the primary composition of teeth enamel rather than hydroxyapatite? The dentin and root are still trying to produce hydroxyapatite, would there possibly be competition in some way between the two crystal matrixes? I don’t know the answer to that one, I just know it’s unnatural, and that unnatural things usually blow up long-term.
Now let’s consider the free, effective and NATURAL ways of making the teeth strong.
How to Make your Teeth Strong Naturally
No matter what your diet consists of, there is a technique explained herein which will aid your teeth health naturally and significantly regardless. But diet is something we also need to consider, as diet is the route to general health for all sectors of the body.
The diets we consume are a major problem when it comes to tooth health in our society, and because of our unnatural diets we may feel the need or even benefit from succumbing to medical/unnatural methods. Soda combined with chips is an obvious enamel death spiral, as the highly acidic soda weakens the enamel and then the hard textures of foods like chips breaks them. The saliva can digest carbohydrates, but it doesn’t possess the enzymes/acid required to digest meat and other proteins. Particles of these foods get stuck in our mouths and may require brushing and medical concoctions to disperse, otherwise putrefaction and bacterial colonies (probably not the good kind) will result.
But these diets are unnatural for humans. In the wild, our closest species are fruit-eating apes. They eat small amounts of other foods, particularly vegetables, but primarily they consume fruit. Believe what you will about that theory, I won’t go too deeply into the subject, I’ll just tell you my own experience on a fruit diet.
When I go on a fruit diet, eating nothing but fruit and herbs, I don’t get plaque. In the first couple weeks of a fruit diet I get a bit of white substance on my lower gums which can be easily scraped off, and after that couple weeks I don’t see any of it again. I’ve gone to the dentist on a fruit diet, and they say my teeth are some of the cleanest they’ve seen.
But that doesn’t mean a fruit diet made my teeth healthy, it just cleaned them good. As a matter of fact, I had a few chipped teeth during my year-long fruit diet, and half of a molar broke off. Those teeth were compromised to begin with and degrading anyways, but I do believe the fruit diet accelerated their destruction. I also still had tooth sensitivity from eating fruit all day, and sometimes it was hard to chew certain fruits properly without pain. Until I learned a natural method for caring for my teeth.
Fruit are acidic in their undigested form. They digest alkaline, but in the mouth they’re highly acidic. A fruit diet also exposes your weaknesses through detoxification, and when the body is detoxifying it wants to get rid of that which is weak. I’d rather not lose all my weak teeth, and luckily I discovered this natural secret by which I could preserve the integrity of my teeth and even remineralize them, while my body systems detoxified in the background to eventually allow the root of the tooth to do some of that cleaning and repairing work.
The Secret: our Saliva.
Three major ingredients in our saliva are (believe it or not):
calcium, phosphorous (phosphate), and bicarbonate.
I’ll say that again: the saliva naturally contains calcium, phosphorous, and bicarbonate. What was the crystal matrix of enamel made out of again?
A calcium-phosphorous crystal matrix called hydroxyapatite.
And there’s also the highly alkaline compound of bicarbonate. What is the fundamental cause of tooth decay?
So the saliva is composed of the same mineral ions which our enamel is composed of, as well as highly alkaline neutralising agents. All we need to do is utilise what Nature has provided for us (right under our tongue).
When I started invoking saliva in my mouth after every meal, and swishing it around in my mouth for 15 minutes, my tooth sensitivity was virtually eliminated in a matter of a few days.
All you need to do is use the tools nature has given you in your own body! Don’t spit out your saliva, and don’t ignore your teeth in this day and age. Swish your saliva around your mouth after every meal, swallow it, then invoke more saliva and swish it around in your mouth for 15 minutes (the first wave of saliva will be slightly more acidic from interaction with the food in your mouth).
Utilising this saliva technique will significantly increase your teeth health and should be the first consideration before any dental products of surgeries.
Sound too obvious and simple to be effective?
That’s a pretty normal response. We’re subjected to so many toxins and unnatural phenomenon in our daily lives that it’s easy just to say “screw it” and stick to whatever it is you’re already doing. It’s easy to fall under the medical spell of intellectual authority and succumb to their attractive and easy to swallow ideologies. You’ve been indoctrinated into them your whole life, and you’re doing fine, right? And even if you are degrading slowly, who cares? It’s a lot of work to change course, and it’s all so overwhelming that what’s the point of even doing one simple and natural technique?
The point is to just try it. The point is to use your mind and correlate your actions with it. You might awaken to a truth and a glimmer of freedom. And even though changing a small thing may seem pointless in the scheme of things, awakening to one truth creates a rapid snowball effect. I knew nothing about saliva a month ago, and I’m pretty sure I will never stop swishing my mouth with it after meals again after seeing the results for myself.
A Practical Example: “Meth Mouth”
Contemplate: why does a person addicted to methamphetamines (meth), rapidly lose his/her teeth?
There are a few reasons, but the primary cause is that meth use decreases saliva production, causing “dry mouth” in the individual. This shows how fundamentally important saliva is for tooth health, and that we should be thinking of it first and foremost before anything else when it comes to tooth health.
To summarize, your teeth are composed primarily of an akaline calcium-phosphorus crystal matrix which is susceptible to acids. The medical field of dentistry offers a solution in aesthetics, but does not know how to regenerate the teeth; it can only replicate the appearance of healthy teeth with synthetic products.
But your body has the answer: saliva. The saliva is both acid-neutralising and contains calcium and phosphate to remineralize the crystal matrix of the enamel. After every meal, invoke saliva, swish it around in your mouth, then swallow it. Then invoke more saliva, and swish that around for 15 minutes or so (the first round of saliva will lose some of its alkalinity in combating the acidic food remnants). Believe it or not, but try it for yourself.
Now the question remains: What is the correct diet for long-term tooth health, and are there natural methods we can utilise to ensure the pH of our saliva is as alkaline as possible?
I will be doing experiments with pH testing and diet, switching between several variations of diet over the course of years, as well as experimenting with xylitol (a birch sap derivative) and herbal medicines to see their effects on saliva pH. I’m not sure yet which herbs will be most effective for the purposes of invoking alkaline saliva, but luckily the ancient Naturalists’ knowledge is preserved, and I’ll study into it and combine it with modern findings. Chewing/sucking licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) root, Yarrow (Achillea millefolium), and Comfrey (Symphytum officinale), may be a good start.
Follow our socials and subscribe to the newsletter to stay up-to-date on our research, and check back for “How to Make Teeth Strong Naturally – Part 2”, which will include our findings on the best natural remedies & diet for tooth health in conjunction with saliva.